Well it is ropin' season again. My man lives for roping and he looks good doing it. Lately it is all we have been doing. Ryan has been roping since he was in seventh grade, I on the other hand have been roping for about a year and I think I am finally catching on. Last summer we built a roping arena in Ry's back yard, and when I say we I really mean we. I dug holes and carried railroad ties and all that good stuff. We used the arena a lot last summer and it was really worth it. This year we haven't used it much because we don't have many steers. We have been going to a couple of Ryan's buddies houses. Hopefully I will be good enough to start entering rodeos by the middle of the summer. Cross your fingers for me and pray I won't lose any of mine! This is Ryan and Boozer at the Tomato Day's Rodeo last summer.
This is Ryan and Boozer again in Ry's back yard.
This is the arena we built.
Wow-you are a roper-that is amazing! I hope that you get to enter some rodeos
and don't loose any. Thanks for finding my blog....As always-wish you the very BEST!
"Should have been a cowboy" Boston and I always sing this when we see something like this. There is no way that kid could ever be a cowboy, "asthma" anyway looks fun. Let us know if you enter a rodeo, we would love to come watch.
This is BJ How Is my boy Auto doinn? That kid can rap. He is great.
Looks like you are having lots of fun! Good luck in the rodeos. That's so awesome! (I secretly wish I could do that stuff)
Wow more of a cow girl every day! I did not know you were thinking rodeos!
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